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Overcome Emotional Eating with These Simple Tricks
Nutrition, Wellbeing Jonathan Nardinochi Nutrition, Wellbeing Jonathan Nardinochi

Overcome Emotional Eating with These Simple Tricks

Emotional eating is the term used when people use food to hide from, deal with, or even celebrate intense human emotions.

Emotional eating can be triggered by stress, fatigue, boredom, or emotions like loneliness or sadness, among other things. If you turn to food for feelings of comfort or stress-relief, it’s important to know that you are not alone.

In this article, we’ll go over a few common triggers for emotional eating as well as some simple tricks that you can employ to overcome emotional eating for good!

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Why fats are important to your body
Nutrition, Wellbeing Jonathan Nardinochi Nutrition, Wellbeing Jonathan Nardinochi

Why fats are important to your body

Fats have been demonized for the longest time.

Even today, thousands of individuals and sources demonize the poor nutrient and suggest that we should cut all fat from our diet.

But, the truth is, mounting evidence suggests that fats are integral for our health and well-being. Today, we’ll take a look at why that is and what it means for us.

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