Evidence: Fitness in Stressful Times

Fitness planning for stressful times

A case of the "what-ifs"

When I made up my mind to get in better shape, I started with all the usual worries and stewed in what-ifs.

What if I lost my resolve and ate too much, or too fast, or the wrong stuff? What if the guys at the gym laughed at me? What if I couldn't do the workouts? What if I couldn't follow through?

Worst of all: What if I failed?

We're all afraid of failure. Most of us manage to keep that fear in check as long as our lives are ticking along as per usual – even if our "normal" is pretty darned stressful.

But what happens when emergency strikes? How can we keep making progress with our goals when nothing in our world is going right?

Maybe you're reading this as someone who's suddenly been injured, or faced with a family disaster, or a new set of demands at work, and you're wondering how in the world you'll stay on track.

Or maybe you're currently enrolled in Jon Nardinochi Coaching. If so, you might be wondering how you'll fare if trouble strikes. Will you manage to keep up with the scheduled habits and workouts?

In any case, you're probably wondering how to live a healthy and fit lifestyle when life goes off the rails.

When life gets really crazy, try a few of these strategies to help stay active:

  • Let go of perfection.

  • Exert yourself in whatever way you can manage.

  • Think in terms of workouts for the week; fulfil your weekly goal rather than stressing about a specific day.

  • Build in daily activity.

  • Try a power walk – walking with exercises built in.

  • Work out with body weight.

  • Use phone poles as markers for intervals.

  • Sign up for a quick class – social interaction can help combat stress too.

  • Choose whole body movements.

  • Chunk your exercise into ten or twenty minute blocks.

  • Take care of your mental and emotional health.

  • Tell yourself you'll work out for ten minutes.

  • Work out at home with the equipment you have at hand.

  • Think of fitness as your "anchor" rather than an obligation – it might be the only thing keeping you sane during tough times.

And whatever you do, try to make it fun. Because when life gets super crazy, fun and laughter are healing.


Practice: Spend More Time Moving


Lesson: Your Baseline