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Daily Mistakes that are damaging your Gut Health
Nutrition, Wellbeing Jonathan Nardinochi Nutrition, Wellbeing Jonathan Nardinochi

Daily Mistakes that are damaging your Gut Health

Do you have persistent diarrhea, abdominal pain and bloating?

Have you been able to identify the root cause of these symptoms? A variety of organisms such as fungi, bacteria,viruses and other microbes reside inside a human body’s gastrointestinal tract, also known as the ‘gut’. The majority of these live inside the large intestine and are responsible for the effective functioning of the immune system

In this article, we will explain the most common mistakes that you incur on an almost daily basis and how these mistakes can impact the genome of the gut.

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Exercising as a Stress-Coping Mechanism
Wellbeing Jonathan Nardinochi Wellbeing Jonathan Nardinochi

Exercising as a Stress-Coping Mechanism

Are physical activities relaxing? Can they relieve mental stress? Yes! You read it right.

Our bodies are designed to move around and stay fit. An integrative physician once said "The human body is not supposed to sit all day long"

He is absolutely right because sedentary lifestyles can lead to obesity as well as mental stress. Stress is the most common risk factor for various health complications such as heart disease, digestive impairment and many more!

We need to learn how to deal with stress in order to promote our physical and mental health

It is important to pursue activities that promote cooperation between mind and body and will help achieve whole body health.

In this article, you will learn how exercise can reduce stress. You will also learn a few physical activities that are beneficial in managing stress.

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How Can A Wrong Squatting Technique Cause Injuries?
Movement Jonathan Nardinochi Movement Jonathan Nardinochi

How Can A Wrong Squatting Technique Cause Injuries?

Have you ever injured yourself while squatting? People often follow a work-out plan to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Most trainers emphasize on squat exercises as they strengthen the hips, knees, hamstrings and legs. People think that squats are quite easy however, when performed correctly, they are difficult and tricky. Moreover, improper squats can strain body structures like knees and hips, sometimes in very serious ways

In this article, you will learn about incorrect squatting techniques and the most common mistakes made during these exercises.

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How to deal with anxiety
Wellbeing, Mindset Jonathan Nardinochi Wellbeing, Mindset Jonathan Nardinochi

How to deal with anxiety

How do you know that you are suffering from anxiety? People manifest fear and anxiety in different ways such as sweating on the palms when confronted with an overwhelming event or task.

Indeed, most of us have probably felt anxious at some point and find it challenging to overcome this. If you’ve found yourself in such scenarios in the past, know that you’re not alone. The primary tip to overcome anxiety is to identify what triggers it and take some time to self-reflect. You can then use the following proven strategies to help you stay calm.

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Women: Growing Muscle Mass is Not to be Feared
Movement Jonathan Nardinochi Movement Jonathan Nardinochi

Women: Growing Muscle Mass is Not to be Feared

Women have come forward leaps and bounds when it comes to including strength training into their fitness routines. We’re seeing more and more women in the weight room, getting under the squat rack, in CrossFit gyms, and with dumbbells even in the comfort of their own home. And yet, despite this incredible move towards weight training becoming more common for women, there is still an untold number of them who are hesitant when it comes to adding strength training to their fitness regimes.

Why Women Need to Embrace Growing Muscle Mass

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